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Quality Plumbing Arrangement For Your Home

Plumbing Arrangement

Whether you’re planning for new construction or a remodel, it is essential to choose the right plumber. A good plumber will arrange your plumbing correctly, and this can save you money in the long run. They’ll also install specialized drainage systems, like floor drains for dehumidifiers.

Bryan has over 41 years of experience in the plumbing service and construction industry. He has held positions in the multi-family, commercial and service divisions of Quality Plumbing.

1. Faucets

Faucets are a big part of your home’s plumbing system and can be very decorative. They also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles to fit different sinks, countertops, and bathroom/kitchen configurations. Some require professional installation, while others can be installed by a homeowner with basic knowledge and tools.

The faucet body holds the hot and cold water and houses the valves. The spout can be a straight reach or a gooseneck design that allows you to easily fill pots and pitchers. The spout can also be a high-arc design for extra clearance or an articulating design that lets you direct the flow of water where needed.

The faucet’s finish can add to its visual appeal and also be an important factor in durability. The finishing process may involve PVD (physical vapor deposition), electroplating, or powder coating. A PVD coating is durable but abrasive, while an electroplated finish resists corrosion. Powder-coating applies a thin coat and is easy to clean, but it is not as durable as PVD or electroplating.

2. Toilet

The toilet is one of the most used appliances in a home, and one that requires proper maintenance and cleaning. Landmark Home Warranty wants to help homeowners understand the inner workings of the toilet, so they can avoid calling a plumber when something goes wrong.

A toilet consists of a bowl that can be flushed with water to dispose of human waste and a tank or cistern that holds water for flushing. Most toilets are found in a room called a bathroom, lavatory, or water closet (WC).

During a typical flush, water flows from the tank into the bowl and then down a drain pipe shaped like an upside-down U. The u-shaped part of the drain limits the height of the water in the toilet, which keeps sewer gas from entering the house. Mineral oil is often added to the toilet P-trap to slow down the flow of water and keep it from filling up with debris.

The trajectory of the toilet since its heyday in the 1890s has been one of continued innovation and improvement. Early washout closets gave way to efficient siphon jet models; high tanks transitioned to low ones; and ornamentation largely disappeared, replaced by sleek, sanitary, modern designs.

3. Garbage Disposal

A quality garbage disposal is a great way to save money by not having to throw away all your food waste. But it’s important to know what you can and cannot put in a disposal to keep it working correctly. Fats, oils and grease should never go down a drain or garbage disposal because they will solidify and clog your plumbing. This can be very expensive to repair. Avoid putting stringy or fibrous foods into your disposal such as celery, asparagus, egg shells, corn husks and banana peels because they can wrap around the blades and cause the machine to jam. Coffee grounds should also be avoided because they can clump together and clog the drain.

The best way to prevent a clog in your disposal is to always run cold water while the unit is running. This will help to push the greasy substances down the drain and prevent them from sticking to the sides of the pipe. You should also clean the disposal with hot soapy water at least once a month to remove any built-up grease and debris.

4. Water Softener

A water softener is a device that removes hard minerals from household water, leaving it clean and soft. This prevents the build-up of these minerals, which can clog pipes, cause rusting of metal appliances, leave soap scum on fixtures and glassware, dry out skin and hair, and a host of other problems.

Water softeners can lower utility bills. The clogs and damage caused by hard water require more energy to pump through your home’s pipes and appliances. This can increase your gas or electric bill, but a water softener reduces these costs.

A water softener can also increase your plumbing’s lifespan. As hard water deposits clog your pipes, the available space for water to move narrows. This forces your pipes to work harder to get the job done and can lead to expensive repairs down the line. A quality water softener can keep your pipes clear and extend their lifespan, saving you money on plumbing repairs and replacements. Whether you have well or city water, you can enjoy the benefits of a water softener.

5. Water Filter

A water filter can remove chemicals from your municipal water supply line before they reach your plumbing. If your Consumer Confidence Report indicates your water has toxic levels of chlorine or chloramine, a water filter is an excellent way to avoid health problems and damage to your pipes and fixtures. It can also help to reduce the risk of corrosion in your appliances and pipes. Logic plumbing arranges the lines in your house to ensure that the water is closest to the fixture when it needs it.
